Tile Regrouting

Is your wall tile grout mildewed, or hard to clean? Do you have leaks from your shower? It is possible that you need tile regrouting. Nothing shows the age of a home more than discolored grout, and this condition can lead to leaks. This can cause the tile to loosen and eventually come off the walls. If caught in a timely fashion, you can cure all of your tile ills by simply regrouting. Grout is the material between the tile which seals the gaps and prevents water from getting into your walls. This area is one of the most neglected areas of your bathroom but can be critical. Tile regrouting is simple, and in most cases can be completed in several hours. Save yourself thousands of dollars in repairs and give your bathrooms a fresh look by regrouting your bathroom tiles.
The Re-Grouting Process

In the first step, Perma Ceram digs out enough of the grout as to give room for the new grout. We use one of several tools, depending upon the condition and hardness of the grout. This is a dusty process and we take precautions to reduce these effects.

The second step after digging out the old grout is to wipe away the dust, wet the walls, and apply the new grout. This grout is a fortified grout in the color of your choice, and is applied with a rubber float and pressed into the lines in a diagonal pattern while pulling off as much of the excess grout as possible.

The third step in bathroom tile regrouting is to wipe the walls to get all of the excess grout off of the walls with a sponge. This part of the process leaves a mild film referred to as a “grout haze”, which is dried and wiped off. As we wipe the grout, we tool the lines down as smooth and small as possible to help the longevity of the grout.

The fourth and final step in the tile regrouting process is to wipe the dried grout off with a towel, and caulk applicable edges with caulking i.e. where the bathtub or shower floor meets the tile.
Tile Regrouting Services in NY, NJ and CT
Perma Ceram has years of experience providing tile regrouting services to the residents of Westchester, Putnam, Rockland and Dutchess in NY and Fairfield, New Haven, Stamford and Greenwich in CT. We also service New Jersey. Completion time of the project depends upon the size and scope of the job, and each job needs is evaluated individually. If you need our tile regrouting services, then feel free to call us at (914) 930 – 4964.